Be Strategic When You Upgrade Your Workstations

Given the rapid speed at which technology is advancing today, companies are having to constantly upgrade their equipment in order to maintain a modern level of technology. One of the issues with this scenario is that business may find it hard to keep up with, mainly because they don’t have a dedicated team for a task such as this. What kind of upgrades should be important for your technology, and why?
The first thing you should know about updating your technology is that these updates need to be integrated periodically to make sure you are as secure as possible. Many of the viruses and malware you see will try to take advantage of weaknesses in your infrastructure, or exploits in older versions of software. These weaknesses in your software or operating systems will essentially grant access to those threats to enter your network, putting your information at risk.
Those same weaknesses are often times taken care of with software patches and continuous system updates that are deployed by developers, but actually acquiring these updates in a timely fashion is a different topic altogether. Having to manage all those updates isn’t as easy as you’d think, especially if you’re company is without a dedicated IT staff to watch over your hardware. Ordinary maintenance is likely to be pushed back behind all other things, to the point of nearly being forgotten entirely. In that case, it’s best to make it a priority that you should be upgrading your technology to better handle the evolving threats in today’s computing environment.

Software Updates
Since you’re going to need several applications for your company to stay operational, software updates aren’t limited to a specific operating system. The less flaws in security for your IT infrastructure, the more your data will be secure. It is a fact that users that work with the latest, optimized technology are more productive than those who stick with the same sluggish, outdated computers. It will only benefit your company if you choose to upgrade those older machines that are holding back your employee’s productivity. You might even come across a scenario where a different software turns out to be better for your business. It’s always a good idea to reach out to a professional technician before making any significant changes to your company’s software infrastructure.

Antivirus Updates
Any company’s antivirus is most likely a software solution, it’s worth noting this because virus and malware definitions are constantly being updated. You don’t keep your antirust and other security software up to date and maintained, you’re just asking to have your data compromised. Your security solutions and antivirus need to be managed on all of your computers, or controlled from a server to make sure every user is protected to the best of your ability.

Hardware Updates
Those older pieces of hardware that you have might have been reliable devices at some point, but eventually its age will make itself known. As hardware gets older, the probability of failures becomes more likely to happen, and you run the risk of data being lost forever. That is why having a way to monitor your technology for faults, and upgrading to more recent models is a recommended step to take.
You may feel like all these software/hardware upgrades that your company might need are a bit too much for you.  This is why you should contact Vodigy to provide a solution to help manage all these things for you. We have solutions to make sure all your machines are up to date. Visit our website for more info at


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